About Us
Govindam defence academy is one of the result oriented defence academy. For NDA, Airforce, Navy, Army, Police ,SSC, Bank, Railway etc. in sikar (Rajasthan).
The aim of Govindam Defence Academy is to import quality education, guidance, disciplined atmoshphere and motivate young generation to join defence services.
'GDA' is one of its kind institute in Rajasthan which provide platform for medium calss and average students those wo wants to make their carrier in defence sector after 10+2 , but due to lack of proper guidance they are fail to achieve theire goal.
GDA lays greater emphasis on right behavior and hard work of student to groom them as responsible citizen, reflecting the core values of rich indian traditions.

Who we are
Leaders do something defferently but winners do things which are strategically defferent which give them comptitive advantage.
Govindam Defence Academy help students to get respected job in defence sector at young age, which have come to the hallmark of the Govindam Defence Academy.
'GDA' is providing not only coaching but also it is providing regular graduation degree(B.A., B.Sc., B.Com.) from GDA's college Govindam Degree College affiliated from Shekhawati University sikar.